Луи Анкетен - Портрет мужчины 1889
Портрет мужчины 1889
62x50см пастель/картон
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena
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From Norton Simon Museum:
The sitter of Louis Anquetin’s portrait is unknown, but his seated position and profile pose are very familiar. Anquetin arrived in the French capital in 1882 and studied in two academic ateliers before settling in with a group of friends that included Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Vincent van Gogh and Émile Bernard. His artistic friendships had a greater influence on him, it seems, than his official studies did, as it was after his exposure to Japanese prints via van Gogh and his consideration of other so-called primitive sources with Bernard that Anquetin developed a style known as Cloisonnism. The term was coined because the artist used large areas of even color bordered by a distinct outline, usually black, an approach that resembled that of stained-glass windows and medieval enamel works.