Луи Анкетен - Авеню де Клиши, пять 1887
Авеню де Клиши, пять 1887
68x51см масло/холст/бумага
Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford, Connecticut
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From Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford:
Anquetin arrived in Paris in 1882 and was soon friendly with Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec and Emile Bernard. His work reveals their influence as well as that of Degas and Japanese prints. The scene here is the intersection of the Avenue de Clichy and the Avenue de St. Ouen in Paris, near Anquetin's home in Paris. He transforms this ordinary street corner into an eerie environment through the use of color - dominant blue areas edged with gold and black contour lines - to suggest the gathering dusk and the glow of gas lamps.