Поль Сезанн - Автопортрет в кепке 1872

Bathers and fisherman with a line 1872 Hortense breast feeding Paul 1872 Route de village, Auvers entre 1872 Self-portrait in a casquette 1872 Strangled woman 1872 The fountain 1872 The halle Aux Vins seen from the rue de Jussieu 1872
Поль Сезанн - Автопортрет в кепке 1872

Автопортрет в кепке 1872
53x39см холст/масло
Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

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From Hermitage, St. Petersburg:
Painted in the early 1870s, at a time when Cezanne was closest of all to the Impressionists, this work shows the clear influence of Pissarro, with whom Cezanne worked. The composition in fact recalls Pissarro's own "Self-portrait" (Musee d'Orsay, Paris). The free brushstrokes and interest in lighting effects reveal the Impressionist trend in Cezanne's work, but the sketchy painting and unclear outlines do not totally break down the weight and solidity with which the artist endowed the objects in his paintings. Even here, in these relatively early works of the Impressionist period, the artist revealed his individual view of art. In the picture Cezanne seems to be older than he in fact was, which was characteristic of him. Perhaps this was due not only to the beard but also to the artist's state of permanent state of inner tension and loneliness.