Поль Сезанн - Гора Сент-Виктуар с большой сосной 1887
Гора Сент-Виктуар с большой сосной 1887
67x92см холст/масло
The Phillips Memorial Gallery, United States
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From The Phillips Memorial Gallery:
Paul Cézanne linked the classical and traditional aspirations of the nineteenth century with an avant-garde technique and spirit that revealed painting’s abstract potential to the twentieth century. Cézanne’s fascination with Mont Sainte-Victoire stemmed partly from his avowed love for “the conformation of my country,” yet it transcended this profound attachment. According to Meyer Shapiro, “He identified with it as the ancients with a holy mountain on which they set the dwelling or birthplace of a god. Only for Cézanne, it was an inner god that he externalized in this mountain peak – his striving and exaltation and desire for repose.”