Поль Сезанн - Тюльпаны в вазе 1892
Тюльпаны в вазе 1892
72x41см масло на бумаге, смонтированное на картон
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA, USA
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From Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena:
The exuberant vertical format of this still life makes it almost unique in Cézanne’s oeuvre. Though he had begun painting flowers in the 1870s alongside his friend and mentor Pissarro, Cézanne seldom painted tulips. More familiar in his work are the glowing fruits gathered on the table at left, a counterpoint to the bright blooms in the upper half of the composition. Although the artist likely painted this picture while visiting his wife in Paris, the earthenware vase in which the flowers are arranged is a souvenir of his native Provence.