Эжен Делакруа - Корзинка цветов опрокинутая в парке 1848-1849
Корзинка цветов опрокинутая в парке 1848-1849
42x56см холст/масло
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United States
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From Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
Given the social and political unrest in post-revolutionary Paris, Delacroix retreated to his country house, Champrosay, in September 1848. There he undertook a series of flower paintings, intended for the Salon of 1849, that he hoped would capture the variety and profusion of garden flowers. Because of the possibility of frost, he worked quickly and produced five canvases. Of these, only two satisfied him sufficiently to be included in the Salon: the present work and Fruit on a Pedestal (Philadelphia Museum of Art).