Гоген Поль - Натюрморт с луковицами, свеклой и японской гравюрой 1889

Paul Gauguin - Still life Ripipont 1889 Paul Gauguin - Still Life with a Fan 1889 Paul Gauguin - Still Life with Apples, a Pear and a Ceramic Portrait Jug 1889 Paul Gauguin - Still life with onions, beetroot and Japanese print 1889 Paul Gauguin - Still Life with Peaches 1889 Paul Gauguin - The Agony in the Garden 1889 Paul Gauguin - The Beautiful Angel. Madame Angele Satre, the Innkeeper at Pont-Aven 1889
Гоген Поль - Натюрморт с луковицами, свеклой и японской гравюрой 1889

Натюрморт с луковицами, свеклой и японской гравюрой 1889
40x51см холст/масло
Private Collection
The image is only being used for informational and educational purposes

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