Ева Гонсалес - В лодке 1875-1876

Eva Gonzalès - A Box at the Italian Theatre 1874 Eva Gonzalès - Afternoon Tea. On the Terrace 1875 Eva Gonzalès - Branch of Peaches 1875-1876 Eva Gonzalès - In The Boat. En bateau 1875-1876 Eva Gonzalès - In the Park 1875-1876 Eva Gonzalès - The Little Lever 1875-1876 Eva Gonzalès - Dessert 1875-1876
Ева Гонсалес - В лодке 1875-1876

В лодке 1875-1876
46x55см холст/масло
Private collection

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From Sotheby's:
The centre is naturalistic in feel and highly focused on the nuances of the lady fishing in profile to the artist. However, as a whole the composition is intentionally transient, with spontaneous brushstrokes to the edges of the picture plane serving to focus the viewer on the subject. This is both a highly efficient method of encouraging the viewer into the work and a delightful example of Gonzáles's sureness of touch that places her amongst the most progressive female painters of her generation.