Эдуард Мане - Молодая женщина, лежащая в испанском костюме 1863
Молодая женщина, лежащая в испанском костюме 1863
94x113см холст/масло
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
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From Yale University Art Gallery:
Manet was a dedicated student of earlier European painting and, most especially, an admirer of Spanish art and culture. The languorous pose and costume of the female model in this work are based on a famous painting by Francisco de Goya, Clothed Maja (ca. 1803, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid). The playful cat and the tuffeted daybed, however, firmly place the painting (and viewer) back in Manet’s studio. An inscription in the lower right dedicates the painting “To my friend Nadar.” This refers to the photographer, caricaturist, and novelist Félix Nadar, whose studio housed the first exhibition of the “Impressionists” in 1874. Manet never exhibited with the group but was an important influence on their art.