Жорж-Пьер Сёра - Этюд с фигурами для 'Воскресного дня' 1884

Seated and Standing Woman 1884 Seated figures 1884 Study for 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte' 1884 Study for A Sunday on La Grande Jatte 1884 Study for 'Un dimanche après midi à l'île de la Grande Jatte' 1884 Study on the Island 1884 The Bineau Bridge 1884
Жорж-Пьер Сёра - Этюд с фигурами для 'Воскресного дня' 1884

Этюд с фигурами для 'Воскресного дня' 1884
70x104см холст/масло
The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

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From The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York:
This is Seurat’s final study for his monumental painting of Parisians at leisure on an island in the Seine (Art Institute of Chicago). Contrasting pigments are woven together with small, patchy brushstrokes, whereas in the mural-sized park scene—which debuted two years later at the 1886 Impressionist exhibition—Seurat used tighter, dot-like dabs of paint, a technique which came to be known as Pointillism (from the French word point, or dot). He preferred the term Divisionism—the principle of separating color into small touches placed side-by-side and meant to blend in the eye of the viewer.