Гоген Поль - Автопортрет с мандолиной 1889

Paul Gauguin - Yellow Haystacks. Golden Harvest 1889 Paul Gauguin - Young breton by the sea 1889 Paul Gauguin - Young Breton Woman 1889 Paul Gauguin - Self portrait with mandolin 1889 Paul Gauguin - he Drama of the Sea, Brittany, from the Volpini Suite Dessins lithographiques 1889 Paul Gauguin - Human Misery, from the Volpini Suite Dessins lithographiques 1889 Paul Gauguin - Walking Stick with a female nude and a Breton sabot on the handle 1889
Гоген Поль - Автопортрет с мандолиной 1889

Автопортрет с мандолиной 1889
61x50см холст/масло
Private Collection
The image is only being used for informational and educational purposes

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