Гоген Поль - Портрет Луи Руа 1893

Paul Gauguin - Here we make love 1893 Paul Gauguin - Hina, Moon Goddess & Te Fatu, Earth Spirit 1893 Paul Gauguin - Mysterious Water 1893 Paul Gauguin - Portrait of Louis Roy 1893 Paul Gauguin - Self Portrait in a Hat 1893 Paul Gauguin - Self Portrait with the Idol 1893 Paul Gauguin - Self portrait, at work 1893
Гоген Поль - Портрет Луи Руа 1893

Портрет Луи Руа 1893
Private Collection
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Lois Roy one of the eight painters who exhibited with Gauguin at the Cafe des Arts on the grounds of the Exposition Universalle in Paris in 1889. In the background of this portrait, reference is made to their exhibition by the poster that announced the show of the Groupe Impressioniste et Synthetiste. The portrait was dispayed at the Gaerie Barc de Bouteville in Paris late in 1893, not long before Gauguin began to carve the Noa Noa woodcuts, which Roy helped him to print.