Гоген Поль - Портрет Уильяма Моларда 1894

Paul Gauguin - Paris in the snow 1894 Paul Gauguin - Paysannes bretones 1894 Paul Gauguin - Portrait of a mother 1894 Paul Gauguin - Portrait of William Molard 1894 Paul Gauguin - Reclining Tahitian Women 1894 Paul Gauguin - Sacred Spring Sweet Dream. Nave nave moe 1894 Paul Gauguin - Self portrait with palette 1894
Гоген Поль - Портрет Уильяма Моларда 1894

Портрет Уильяма Моларда 1894
46x38см холст/масло
Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France
The image is only being used for informational and educational purposes

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William Molard - a Wagnerian musician, he had links with the European bohemian artists of Montparnasse at the time, some of whom, like Strindberg and Durio, would help bring Gauguin's work to the public's attention.