Гоген Поль - Деревня в снегу 1894
Деревня в снегу 1894
77x66см холст/масло
Private Collection
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Returning from Tahiti in August 1893, an almost penniless Gauguin arrived in Marseilles. His friend from his Pont-Aven days, the artist Sérusier, wired him 250 francs to make his way by train to Paris. There Gauguin held a sale of his art, mostly canvases from Tahiti, at the Gallery Durand-Ruel in November. This proved to be financially disastrous. Despite some monetary respite from an inheritance, in the northern spring of 1894 (probably at the end of April), Gauguin returned to Brittany in search of inspiration and a simpler, less costly life.