Берта Моризо - Молодая женщина, поливая кустарник 1876
Молодая женщина, поливая кустарник 1876
40x31см холст/масло
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, United States
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From Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond:
Morisot often painted intimate, domestic scenes. Here she depicts her sister, Edma Pontillon, watering plants on the terrace of the Morisot family home at 5 rue Guichard in the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris. Edma’s simple, flowing housedress allows Morisot to explore the play of light over white, a technical and creative challenge investigated by many Impressionist painters. This scene further demonstrates women’s association with the home in 19th-century France while exemplifying the Impressionist interest in urban and suburban gardens, a subject also found in the Mellon collection’s Camille at the Window.