Список Музеев и Картинных галерей Испании

Андалусия; Арагон; Астурия; Балеарские острова; Страна Басков; Канарские острова; Кастилия — Ла-Манча; Кастилия и Леон ; Каталония и Барселона; Галисия; Мадрид; Наварра; Валенсия;

Список Музеев и Картинных галерей Мадрид

Мадрид - Музеи и художественные галереи в , включая некоммерческие центры и галереи, государственные учреждения и частные предприятия.

Название Адрес Телефон & Веб-сайт Краткое изложение
CaixaForum Madrid Paseo del Prado, 36, 28014 Madrid Telephone: +34 913307300
CaixaForum Madrid is a museum and cultural center in Paseo del Prado 36, Madrid. It is sponsored by La Caixa. Although the CaixaForum is a contemporary building, it also exhibits retrospectives of artists from earlier time periods and has evolved into one of the most visited museums in Madrid.
El Escorial Av Juan de Borbón y Battemberg, s/n, 28200 San Lorenzo de El Escorial Telephone: +34 918905011
The Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, commonly known as El Escorial, is a historical residence of the King of Spain, in the town of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, about 45 kilometres (28 miles) northwest of the capital, Madrid, in Spain. It is one of the Spanish royal sites and has functioned as a monastery, basilica, royal palace, pantheon, library, museum, university and hospital. It is situated 2.06 km (1.28 mi) up the valley (4.1 km [2.5 mi] road distance) from the town of El Escorial.Consists of works of the German, Flemish, Venetian, Lombard, Ligurian and more Italian and Spanish schools from the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Calle Conde Duque, 9, 28015 Madrid Telephone: +34 915885928
The Museum's permanent collection is made up principally of painting and graphic work although sculpture, photography and drawing are also represented. The permanent collection is exhibited chronologically on the second floor of the Museum and subdivided into the following categories: Historical vanguards, New creators, New figuration and abstraction of the 80s,
Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre de Alcalá de Henares Calle Andrés Saborit, 0 S-N Vía Complutense, 28801 Alcalá de Henares Telephone: +34 918813393
The Museum of Outdoor Sculpture of Alcala de Henares (Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre de Alcalá de Henares) is a permanent exhibition of contemporary art in public Alcalá de Henares (Madrid - Spain), opened in 1993 and organized by the sculptor José Noja.
Museo del Prado Paseo del Prado, s/n, 28014 Madrid Telephone: +34 913302800
The Prado Museum is the main Spanish national art museum, located in central Madrid. It is widely considered to have one of the world's finest collections of European art, dating from the 12th century to the early 20th century, based on the former Spanish Royal Collection, and the single best collection of Spanish art. Founded as a museum of paintings and sculpture in 1819, it also contains important collections of other types of works.
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Calle de Santa Isabel, 52, 28012 Madrid Telephone: +34 917741000
The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS, also called the Museo Reina Sofía, Queen Sofía Museum, El Reina Sofía, or simply The Sofia) is Spain's national museum of 20th-century art. The museum was officially inaugurated on September 10, 1992, and is named for Queen Sofía. It is located in Madrid, near the Atocha train and metro stations, at the southern end of the so-called Golden Triangle of Art (located along the Paseo del Prado and also comprising the Museo del Prado and the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza).
Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas Calle de Montalbán, 12, 28014 Madrid Telephone: +34 915326499
The collections emphasize the 16th and 17th centuries in particular; its collection contains approximately 40,000 pieces, with a considerable quantity of Arabic world items, particularly from Morocco and Turkey. Its 62 exhibition rooms are within a palace near the Jardines del Retiro de Madrid. Each year, there are about 22,000 visitors.
Museo Sorolla Paseo del General Martínez Campos, 37, 28010 Madrid Telephone: +34 913101584
The Museum Sorolla is a museum located in Madrid, Spain. It features work by the artist Joaquín Sorolla. The building was originally the artist's house and was converted into a museum after the death of his widow. Designed by Enrique María Repullés, it was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1962. The principal rooms continue to be furnished as they were during the artist's life, including Sorolla's large, well-lit studio, where the walls are filled with his canvasses.
Museum Cerralbo Calle Ventura Rodríguez, 17, 28008 Madrid Telephone: +34 915473646
The Museum Cerralbo is a museum located in Madrid, Spain. It houses the art and historical objects collections of Enrique de Aguilera y Gamboa, Marquis of Cerralbo, who died in 1922
Museum of the Americas Av. de los Reyes Católicos, 6, 28040 Madrid Telephone: +34 915492641
The Museum of America in Madrid (Spain) is a National museum that holds artistic, archaeological and ethnographic collections from the whole American continent, ranging from the Paleolithic period to the present day.
Museum of Lázaro Galdiano Calle de Serrano, 122, 28006 Madrid Telephone: +34 915616084
The museum contains important collections of valuable works from the prehistoric period to the nineteenth century, with a focus on Iberian work. Major categories include jewellery, small bronzes, both ecclesiastical and domestic silver, ceramics, carved ivory, and numismatics.
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Calle de Alcalá, 13, 28014 Madrid Telephone: +34 915240864
The Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando), located on the Calle de Alcalá in the heart of Madrid, currently functions as a museum and gallery. Doubling as a museum and gallery, today it houses a fine art collection of paintings from the 15th to 20th centuries: Arcimboldo, Giovanni Bellini, Correggio, Guido Reni, Rubens, Zurbarán, Murillo, Fragonard, Goya, Juan Gris, Pablo Serrano, among others. The academy is also the headquarters of the Madrid Academy of Art.
Royal Palace of Aranjuez Plaza de Parejas, s/n, 28300 Aranjuez, Madrid Telephone: +34 918911344
The Royal Palace of Aranjuez (Spanish: Palacio Real de Aranjuez) is a residence of the King of Spain, located in the town of Aranjuez, in the Community of Madrid, Spain. The palace is open to the public as one of the Spanish royal sites.
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum Paseo del Prado, 8, 28014 Madrid Telephone: +34 917911370
The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, or simply the Thyssen, is an art museum in Madrid, Spain, located near the Prado Museum at one of city's main boulevards. It is known as part of the "Golden Triangle of Art", which also includes the Prado and the Reina Sofia national galleries. The Thyssen-Bornemisza fills the historical gaps in its counterparts' collections: in the Prado's case this includes Italian primitives and works from the English, Dutch and German schools, while in the case of the Reina Sofia it concerns Impressionists, Expressionists, and European and American paintings from the 20th century. Duccio, Van Eyck, Carpaccio, Dürer, Caravaggio, Rubens, Sargent, Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Kirchner, Mondrian, Klee, Hopper…these are just some of the great names whose works you can see in the museum. Wander through our collection made up of almost 1000 paintings, spanning the history of art from the 13th right up until the 20th century.