©Пабло Пикассо - Портрет Фернанды Оливье в платке 1906

Nude, study to Harem 1906 Peasants 1906 Portrait of Allan Stein 1906 Portrait of Fernande Olivier in headscarves 1906 Portrait of Gertrude Stein 1906 Reclining Nude. Fernande 1906 Seated nude and standing nude 1906
Пабло Пикассо  - Портрет Фернанды Оливье в платке 1906

Портрет Фернанды Оливье в платке 1906
61x47см акварель и гуашь с графитом и, возможно, древесным углем
Private Collection
The image is only being used for informational and educational purposes

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Fernande Olivier (born Amélie Lang; 1881–1966) was a French artist and model known primarily for having been the model of painter Pablo Picasso, and for her written accounts of her relationship with him. Picasso painted over 60 portraits of Olivier