©Пабло Пикассо - Портрет Альфреда Сислея с женой, по картине Ренуара 1868г 1919

Portrait of Pierre Auguste Renoir 1919 Seven ballerinas 1919 Seven ballerinas 1919 Spouses Sisley after the 'The Betrothed' by Auguste Renoir 1919 Still life in front of a window at Saint-Raphael 1919 Still life in front of a Window overlooking the Eglise St. Augustin 1919 Still Life in Front of an Open Window at Saint-Raphael 1919
Пабло Пикассо - Портрет Альфреда Сислея с женой, по картине Ренуара 1868г 1919

Портрет 'Альфреда Сислея с женой, по картине Ренуара 1868г 1919
Private Collection
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Alfred Sisley (1839–1899) was an Impressionist landscape painter who was born and spent most of his life in France, but retained British citizenship. He was the most consistent of the Impressionists in his dedication to painting landscape en plein air (i.e., outdoors). He deviated into figure painting only rarely and, unlike Renoir and Pissarro, found that Impressionism fulfilled his artistic needs.
From 1862, he studied at the Paris École des Beaux-Arts within the atelier of Swiss artist Marc-Charles-Gabriel Gleyre, where he became acquainted with Frédéric Bazille, Claude Monet, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. In 1860s Alfred Sisley work with Auguste Renoir in louveciennes.