Жорж-Пьер Сёра - Порт-ан-Бессен, внешняя гавань, отлив 1888
Порт-ан-Бессен, внешняя гавань, отлив 1888
54x66см холст/масло
Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MI, USA
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From Louis Art Museum, St. Louis:
Georges Seurat produced this painting while spending the summer at the Normandy resort of Port-en-Bessin. He captures the port with details such as a sail in the foreground and flagpoles in the distance. The work displays Seurat’s signature “pointillist” touch, or the practice of applying small dots of color to the canvas which blend together at a distance. A strong geometrical structure provides a sense of calm and order, reflecting the artist’s aim to make the ephemeral moment suggest the eternal.