Винсент Ван Гог - Ресторан Сирена в Аньер 1887

Park at Asnieres in Spring 1887 Pasture in Bloom 1887 Portrait of the Art Dealer Alexander Reid 1887 The Restaurant de la Sirene at Asnieres 1887 Roadway with Underpass. The Viaduct 1887 The Seine with a Rowing Boat 1887 Self-Portrait 1887
Винсент Ван Гог - Ресторан Сирена в Аньер 1887

Ресторан Сирена в Аньер 1887
51x64см холст/масло
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum

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From Ashmolean Museum, Oxford:
Painted in 1887, a year after van Gogh had moved to Paris from his native Holland. The artist's response to the work of the Impressionists is evident in the short, straw-like strokes of paint and bright colour. Asnières, a district on the river Seine near Paris, was popular with the Impressionists and the site of several paintings by van Gogh, dating from his first period in Paris.