Винсент Ван Гог - Крошка Марсель Рулен 1888

The Schoolboy Camille Roulin 1888 The Baby Marcelle Roulin 1888 The Baby Marcelle Roulin 1888 The Baby Marcelle Roulin 1888 The Dance Hall in Arles 1888 La Berceuse. Augustine Roulin 1888 The Novel Reader 1888
Винсент Ван Гог - Крошка Марсель Рулен 1888

Крошка Марсель Рулен 1888
35x24см холст/масло
Washington, National Gallery of Art

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marcelle Roulin, the youngest child (31 July 1888 - 22 February 1980) was four months old, when Van Gogh made her portraits. She was painted three times by herself and twice on her mother’s lap. The three works show the same head and shoulders image of Marcelle with her chubby cheeks and arms against a green background.
When Johanna van Gogh, pregnant at the time, saw the painting, she wrote: "I like to imagine that ours will be just as strong, just as beautiful – and that his uncle will one day paint his portrait!"