Винсент Ван Гог - Песчаниковые домики с соломенными крышами в Шапонвале 1890

Plain Near Auvers 1890 Field with Stacks of Wheat 1890 Thatched Cottages by a Hill 1890 Thatched Sandstone Cottages in Chaponval 1890 Tree Roots and Trunks 1890 Two Women Crossing the Fields 1890 View of Auvers with Church 1890
Винсент Ван Гог - Песчаниковые домики с соломенными крышами в Шапонвале 1890

Песчаниковые домики с соломенными крышами в Шапонвале 1890
65x81см холст/масло
Kunsthaus Zurich

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From Kunsthaus Zurich:
The picture Thatched Roofs near Auvers is one of van Gogh’s very last paintings; in the last letter he sent to his brother Theo, three days before committing suicide, he sketched out the composition with its daringly exaggerated lines of force. Seen from a symbolic psychological perspective the boundless preponderance of falling diagonals is overwhelming. The children – the red-haired boy has been interpreted as a reference to van Gogh himself – appear to be trapped in a thoroughly hopeless situation.