Список Музеев и Картинных галерей Китая

Аньхой; Пекин; Чунцин; Фуцзянь; Ганьсу; Гуандун; Гуанси-Чжуанский автономный район, Хайнань, Хэнань; Гонконг; Хубэй, Хунань; Цзянсу; Макао, Шаньдун; Шанхай; Шаньси; Сычуань; Тибетский автономный район, Синьцзян-Уйгурский автономный район, Юньнань; Чжэцзян

Список Музеев и Картинных галерей: Ганьсу

Ганьсу - Музеи и художественные галереи в Ганьсу, включая некоммерческие центры и галереи, государственные учреждения и частные предприятия.

Название Адрес Телефон & Веб-сайт Краткое изложение
Gansu Provincial Museum (Lanzhou) 3 Xijin E Rd, Qilihe Qu, Lanzhou Shi, Gansu Sheng Telephone: +869312339133
The Gansu Provincial Museum is a museum in Lanzhou, China. Its collections include over 350,000 artefacts, in two main sections: history and natural science. Since its foundation, the museum has held almost 300 exhibitions, and items from its collections have been exhibited worldwide. The museum was originally only for the history of Gansu itself, but was re-purposed in 1956 to be a natural history museum, after three years of renovations.
Lanzhou Museum (Lanzhou) 3 Xijin E Rd, Qilihe Qu, Lanzhou Shi, Gansu Sheng Telephone: +869312339133
The Gansu Provincial Museum is a museum in Lanzhou, China. Its collections include over 350,000 artefacts, in two main sections: history and natural science. Since its foundation, the museum has held almost 300 exhibitions, and items from its collections have been exhibited worldwide. The museum was originally only for the history of Gansu itself, but was re-purposed in 1956 to be a natural history museum, after three years of renovations.