Список Музеев и Картинных галерей: Соединённые Штаты Америки

Алабама; Аляска; Аризона; Арканзас; Калифорния; Колорадо; Флорида; Джорджия и Атланта; Гавайи; Айдахо; Иллинойс; Индиана; Айова; Канзас; Кентукки; Луизиана и Новый Орлеан; Мэн; Мэриленд; Массачусетс; Мичиган; Миннесота; Миссисипи; Миссури; Монтана; Небраска; Невада; Нью-Гэмпшир; Нью-Джерси; Нью-Мексико; Штат Нью-Йорк; Нью-Йорк; Северная Каролина; Северная Дакота; Огайо; Оклахома ; Орегон ; Пенсильвания ; Род-Айленд ; Южная Каролина ; Южная Дакота ; Теннесси ; Техас ; Юта ; Вермонт ; Виргиния ; Вашингтон, округ Колумбия; Штат Вашингтон; Западная Виргиния ; Висконсин ; Вайоминг ;

Список Музеев и Картинных галерей: Калифорния

Калифорния - Музеи и художественные галереи в Калифорния, включая некоммерческие центры и галереи, государственные учреждения и частные предприятия.

Название Адрес Телефон & Веб-сайт Краткое изложение
Blue Line Arts 405 Vernon St #100, Roseville, CA 95678 Telephone: 916-783-4117
Blue Line Arts showcases the works of regional and national artists, and offers flexible exhibition space suitable for small musical performances, lectures, parties, and demonstrations.
Center for Contemporary Art, Sacramento 1519 19th St, Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: 916-498-9811
CCAS is currently featuring works by local artists and donors who have supported us over the years.
C.N. Gorman Museum 1 Shields Ave #1316, Davis, CA 95616 Telephone: 530-752-6567
Part of the University of California, Davis. Include works by Contemporary Native American, First Nations and Indigenous artists worldwide.
Crocker Art Museum 216 O St, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: 916-808-7000
Californian art, works on paper, European art, international ceramics, photography, Asian art, and African and Oceanic art
di Rosa 5200 Carneros Hwy, Napa, CA 94559 Telephone: 707-226-5991
di Rosa is a catalyst for transformative experiences with contemporary art of Northern California. di Rosa houses approximately 2,000 works of art by 800 artists
Imperial Valley College Art Gallery 380 E. Aten Rd., Imperial, CA 92251 Telephone: 760-352-8320
Professional art exhibits including all media of regional, national and international interest.
Inyo Council for the Arts Gallery 137 S Main St, Bishop, CA 93514 Telephone: 760-873-8014
Changing exhibits of area art. Inyo Council for the Arts hosts three arts and craft shows every year.
Napa Valley Museum 55 Presidents Cir, Yountville, CA 94599 Telephone: 707-944-0500
Local and regional artists including painting, sculpture, photography, print-making, film, video and crafts
Richard Nelson Gallery UC Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 Telephone: 530-752-8500
Part of the University of California, Davis. Founded as a collection of Old Master prints, it is now encyclopedic in scope, including notable holdings of antiquities, works on paper and ceramics central to the history of UC Davis
San Diego State University Imperial Valley Campus Art Gallery 720 Heber Ave, Calexico, CA 92231 Telephone: 760-768-5500
Steppling Art Gallery include art exhibits, lectures, workshops, music concerts, theater productions, films, dance performances, poetry contests, and numerous ethno-cultural events.