Список Музеев и Картинных галерей: Соединённые Штаты Америки

Алабама; Аляска; Аризона; Арканзас; Калифорния; Колорадо; Флорида; Джорджия и Атланта; Гавайи; Айдахо; Иллинойс; Индиана; Айова; Канзас; Кентукки; Луизиана и Новый Орлеан; Мэн; Мэриленд; Массачусетс; Мичиган; Миннесота; Миссисипи; Миссури; Монтана; Небраска; Невада; Нью-Гэмпшир; Нью-Джерси; Нью-Мексико; Штат Нью-Йорк; Нью-Йорк; Северная Каролина; Северная Дакота; Огайо; Оклахома ; Орегон ; Пенсильвания ; Род-Айленд ; Южная Каролина ; Южная Дакота ; Теннесси ; Техас ; Юта ; Вермонт ; Виргиния ; Вашингтон, округ Колумбия; Штат Вашингтон; Западная Виргиния ; Висконсин ; Вайоминг ;

Список Музеев и Картинных галерей: Юта

Юта - Музеи и художественные галереи в Юта, включая некоммерческие центры и галереи, государственные учреждения и частные предприятия.

Название Адрес Телефон & Веб-сайт Краткое изложение
Alice Gallery 617 E S Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Telephone: 801-236-7555
The gallery hosts exhibitions by Utah artists and works from the State Fine Art Collection. The Rio & Alice Galleries were established as a free service to Utah artists and surrounding communities.
Bountiful/Davis Art Center 90 N Main St, Bountiful, UT 84010 Telephone: 801-295-3618
Since 1974, Bountiful/Davis Art Center has served as the premier regional community art center in Davis and southern Weber counties
Brathwaite Fine Arts Gallery 351 W. University Blvd., Cedar City, UT 84720 Telephone: 435-586-7700
The Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA) is itself a work of art – a permanent sculpture that houses an art museum. This single story, 20,500 sq. ft. museum is organized into four components: the entry, five gallery spaces, administration offices & an education classroom, and the storage and support area.
Brigham Young University Museum of Art Campus Dr, Provo, UT 84602 Telephone: 801-422-8287
Collections emphasis on American art from the late 18th century to the present, including painting, photography, prints and sculpture
BYU Galleries Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 Telephone: 801-422-4636
Part of Brigham Young University. The Department of Visual Arts supports two main gallery spaces and several impromptu exhibit spaces. The two main galleries, The B.F. Larsen Gallery and Gallery 303, are located on the third floor of the Harris Fine Arts Center.
Chase Home Museum of Utah Folk Arts 150 South Constitution Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84105 Telephone: 801-533-5760
The Chase Home Museum of Utah Folk Arts is the only museum in the country dedicated to displaying a state-owned collection of contemporary folk art. It features objects made by living Utah artists from the state’s American Indian, rural, occupational and ethnic communities. The Museum offers a snapshot of Utah’s contemporary culture and heritage.
Covey Center for the Arts 425 Center St, Provo, UT 84601 Telephone: 801-852-7007
Performing arts center with art gallery
Gallery East 451 East 400 North Price, UT 84501 Telephone: 435-613-5000
Part of the Utah State University Eastern. The gallery exhibits the work of students and faculty, the work of local and regional artists, and the work of national and international contemporary artists which would not otherwise be available.
Kimball Art Center 1401 Kearns Blvd, Park City, UT 84060 Telephone: 435-649-8882
Kimball Art Center (KAC) exists to provide arts education and access to everyone. Through our exhibitions, educational arts programs and events, KAC provides a platform and a place for artists and arts enthusiasts to come together to explore, celebrate and cherish the creative spark that lives within us all.
Mary Elizabeth Dee Shaw Gallery Ethel Wattis Kimball Visual Arts Building, 3964 W Campus Dr, Ogden, UT 84408 Telephone: 801-626-6420
Part of Weber State University, located in the Kimball Visual Arts Building, contemporary art of local, regional, and nationally recognized artists, including new work
Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art 650 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84341 Telephone: 435-797-0163
Part of Utah State University. Focusing on modern, post-modern, and contemporary periods of American art with an emphasis on the western United States, the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art’s permanent collections includes over 5,000 artworks by 1,845 artists from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Rio Gallery 300 S Rio Grande St, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Telephone: 801-245-7272
Art, photography and crafts by Utah artists, operated by the Utah Arts Council in the lobby of the Rio Grande Station
Sears Art Museum Gallery 155 S. University Ave, St George, UT 84770 Telephone: 435-652-7909
Part of Dixie State University's Eccles Fine Arts Center, features six exhibits each year, offering a variety of art styles from traditional to contemporary
SEGO Art Center 169 N University Ave, Provo, UT 84601 Telephone: 801-599-0680
Art Center
Snow College Art Gallery 150 College Ave. Ephraim, UT 84627 Telephone: 435-283-7416
The department promotes the active pursuit of excellence and independent inquiry of visual dialog in an interdisciplinary environment.
St. George Art Museum 47 N 200 E, St George, UT 84770 Telephone: 435-627-4525
Art from Utah and the Southwest
USU Galleries 4000 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-4000 Telephone: 435-797-1560
Galleries of the Caine School of the Arts of Utah State University
Utah Museum of Contemporary Art 20 S. West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Telephone: 801-328-4201
Exhibits groundbreaking contemporary artwork by local, national, and international artists in four galleries, formerly known as the Salt Lake Art Center
Utah Museum of Fine Arts 410 Campus Center Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Telephone: 801-581-7332
Part of the University of Utah, collections include African, Oceanic and the New World, Asian, European, American, and the Ancient and Classical World
Woodbury Art Museum 575 University Mall, Orem, UT 84097 Telephone:
Part of Utah Valley University, focus is modern and contemporary art. Our Permanent Collection primarily holds contemporary American works of art. Consisting of important Utah artists and expanding to bring in artists from around the country, the museum collects, preserves, and exhibits art and related materials.