Список Музеев и Картинных галерей: Соединённые Штаты Америки

Алабама; Аляска; Аризона; Арканзас; Калифорния; Колорадо; Флорида; Джорджия и Атланта; Гавайи; Айдахо; Иллинойс; Индиана; Айова; Канзас; Кентукки; Луизиана и Новый Орлеан; Мэн; Мэриленд; Массачусетс; Мичиган; Миннесота; Миссисипи; Миссури; Монтана; Небраска; Невада; Нью-Гэмпшир; Нью-Джерси; Нью-Мексико; Штат Нью-Йорк; Нью-Йорк; Северная Каролина; Северная Дакота; Огайо; Оклахома ; Орегон ; Пенсильвания ; Род-Айленд ; Южная Каролина ; Южная Дакота ; Теннесси ; Техас ; Юта ; Вермонт ; Виргиния ; Вашингтон, округ Колумбия; Штат Вашингтон; Западная Виргиния ; Висконсин ; Вайоминг ;

Список Музеев и Картинных галерей: Миссисипи

Миссисипи - Музеи и художественные галереи в Миссисипи, включая некоммерческие центры и галереи, государственные учреждения и частные предприятия.

Название Адрес Телефон & Веб-сайт Краткое изложение
Alice Moseley Folk Art and Antique Museum 1928 Depot Way #2, Bay St Louis, MS 39520 Telephone: 228-467-9223
Home and art of folk artist Alice Moseley
Delta State University Sculpture Garden Highway 8 West, Cleveland, MS 38732 Telephone: 662-846-4625
Showcases the work of regional and national sculptors
Ethel Wright Mohamed Stitchery Museum 307 Central Avenue, Belzoni, MS 39038 Telephone: 662-247-1433
The museum is the former home of Ethel Wright Mohamed. Ethel Wright Mohamed was an American artist, best known for her embroidered scenes of country life.
Kate Freeman Clark Art Gallery 300 E College Ave, Holly Springs, MS 38635 Telephone: 662-252-5300
Works by local artist Kate Freeman Clark
Lauren Rogers Museum of Art 565 N 5th Ave, Laurel, MS 39440 Telephone: 601-649-6374
Collection includes 19th and 20th century American art, 19th century European art, English Georgian silver, Native American basketry and Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock prints
Lucille Parker Art Gallery 512 Tuscan Ave, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Telephone: 801-755-4052
he Lucile Parker Gallery houses four collections: the Lucile Parker Collection, the William Carey University Collection, the Larry H. Day Collection, and the Brian Blair Collection.
Marie Hull Gallery Hinds Community College, Raymond, MS 39154 Telephone: 601-857-3274
Part of Hinds Community College, regional and local exhibitions in a variety of media
Meridian Museum of Art 628 25th Ave, Meridian, MS 39301 Telephone: 601-693-1501
The Museum seeks to promote and support the art, artists, and art programs of local area and region through art education, exhibitions, collections, collaborations with other organizations, special events, and community involvement.
Mississippi Museum of Art 380 S Lamar St, Jackson, MS 39201 Telephone: 601-960-1515
American art from the 19th and 20th centuries by some of the country’s most prominent artists including Robert Henri, Georgia O’Keeffe, Andy Warhol, and Radcliffe Bailey
Mississippi State University Galleries Mississippi State, MS 39762 Telephone: 662-325-2323
Exhibits of art, architecture, design and decorative arts in several gallery locations.
Municipal Art Gallery of Jackson 839 N State St, Jackson, MS 39202 Telephone: 601-960-1582
The Municipal Art Gallery strives to both promote and encourage contemporary artists and to create a place where everyone can enjoy American and Mississippi art for what it is: a true reflection of our people and our lifestyles.
Ohr-O'Keefe Museum Of Art 386 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS 39530 Telephone: 228-374-5547
Features pottery of George Ohr, dedicated to the ceramics of George E. Ohr
USM Museum of Art 124 Golden Eagle Ave, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Telephone: 601-266-5200
The Gallery of Art & Design presents a wide range of regional to national, and historical to contemporary exhibitions; and provides a forum for education by hosting lectures, workshops, and symposia by leading artists, critics, curators, and historians.
Walter Anderson Museum of Art 510 Washington Ave, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Telephone: 228-872-3164
The Walter Anderson Museum of Art is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the work of Walter Inglis Anderson as well as that of his two brothers, Peter and James McConnell or “Mac.” The three brothers worked in a wide variety of media.
Wright Art Center 1003 W Sunflower Rd, Cleveland, MS 38733 Telephone: 662-846-4720
Renovated in 1997, the Fielding L. Wright Art Center houses Art Department studio classrooms and contains two galleries for hanging exhibitions of art, and the permanent collection of the University Art Department.